Weaver Creek Spawning Channel
Weaver Creek产卵通道
Weaver Creek产卵通道建于1965年,为红鲑鱼提供了额外的产卵栖息地。该通道拥有约4.5万头成年鲑鱼。最近该通道的拥有从1000到10万成年鲑鱼不等。
Salmon’s life cycle(鲑鱼的寿命周期)
1. Fertilized egg stage – Every salmon starts out as an egg. These eggs will “incubate” for a certain amount of time depending on the type of salmon and the temperature of the water.
2. Alevin stage – These fish are still quite small and remain in the gravel beds safe from predators.
3. Fry stage – Salmon in the fry stage have noticeable “parr” marks (except Pinks) that conceal the fish from predators.
4. Smolt stage – Once the “parr” marks start wearing away and the salmon starts moving toward saltwater, it enters the smolt stage.
5. Adult stage – Salmon are considered “adults” when they complete the migration from freshwater to saltwater.
6. Spawner stage – At a certain point, the salmon will begin migrating back to freshwater where they enter the spawner stage. Salmon in this stage undergo tremendous physical changes, including their color.
Upon reaching the gravel beds, the females will lay their eggs in the gravel while the males fertilize them with something called “milt.”
As a result, the channel is protected from flooding and/or freezing that could kill eggs and alevins.